Saturday, February 5, 2011


And Nursery LEGAL! Haha... because Josh and I are already in nursery it doesnt make much of a difference, BUT we have a woman that asks us all the time if he is "nursery legal" because he is obviously in there with us. So now we can officially say that he able to be there with or without us! It has been a very busy month for Henry. He is talking A LOT! I think his current favorite word is "HOT?!" he hovers his hand over everything saying "Hot? Hot?" Its pretty cute. He still LOVES doing his puzzles and has become quite clever. He'll put one shape in the wrong place, look up at me and shake his head no... as if he is teasing me. He has cut 4 new teeth, but has become very picky. I thought I was being clever putting shredded carrot in his mac&cheese and cottage cheese but he usually figures it out a few bits in. He does like chicken pot pie and mashed potatoes, and such, but veggies are so hard. Monkey see monkey do? I'll try to eat more veggies too I guess.... : ) He is a very affectionate baby. He gives me hugs and kisses all day long! He still loves reading which I hope he always will. He is a healthy happy baby and we are grateful every day that he is apart of our family. Happy 18 months sweet boy! We love you forever.

1 comment:

  1. Wow, I can't believe it! 18 months! He is as studly as ever! Love you Henry!
