Friday, June 22, 2012

One Month Later....

I cant believe it has been so long since our last update. In the weeks that have passed we have moved to Utah, and are adjusting to life living with family and preparing for the Bar.
Enjoy Pictures and updates!

We said goodbye to dear dear friends..... 
 We said goodbye to our favorite places...

And We have celebrated Daddys big 27!
 We have played with cousins, and made new friends!

We are enjoying the opportunities that come with having Family so near to us. Henry is getting more playtime then he ever did in Virginia and is really enjoying his cousins.
Cousin Trayson's Baseball Game
This truck is adorable wouldn't you say? Hand carved by a sweet older man at our local Farmers Market. My mom and I were drooling over these getting ready to buy one for Henry when a woman walking away from his booth said "I just bought one of these for your little boy" and that was it. She disappeared into the crowd. Wow. What an incredibly generous thing to do. I have a reason now to pay it forward, and Henry is LOVING this truck.
And alas, Henry finally got his new fish. Welcome to our home Santa. Yes, you read correctly. Henry has named his new little pet Santa. We love him dearly. 

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