Sunday, March 27, 2011

Sweet Henry - 19 Months

I must say that I am really loving my sweet husband's new hobby. He was able to capture these sweet moments yesterday in Old Town Alexandria. It was a bit cold, but we had so much fun. We started with Henry sitting in front of doors of all colors, which turned into a rather fun game for him. He'd started pointing at one that he wanted to pose at if we walked by it and plunk right down until daddy took his picture. Because of it's location in proximity to the airport Henry is looking up a lot at all the airplanes...anyway, enjoy these fun pictures and feel free to check out Josh's new online photo journal for more of his hobby. 


  1. I love them all. But my favorite just might be the second one of Henry in front of the yellow brick wall. He is such a big boy! Josh is really talented.

  2. your blog is absolutely adorable!!
    quick question. How did you create the image at the top of your blog that says joshua henry. it is soo cute!!!
